We all have the tools to be successful with health and fitness.  The knowledge is out there, more accessible than ever.  From meal prep at the weekends to crushing ourselves in the gym and stretching in front of the tv every evening. We are capable of nailing this fitness beast!  So why do so many of us fail to achieve our goals fully?  The answer lies in the inconsistencies during the day, and how we distribution our focus unevenly.  Simply put, many of us ‘drop the ball’ every day.


Undoing the good work

Many people naturally perform their push ups incorrectly.  Elbows flared out put too much stress on the trapezius.  The we have those who reach for the ground with the head, like a chicken at feeding time. Or, my personal fave, the caterpillar technique!  Imagine spending a session correcting these errors and establishing great form with your push ups.  Now consider the possibility of push ups being included in a circuit where your trying to establish max reps.  If you choose to butcher correct form in order to win the workout, all of the good work learning the right technique is undone.

Let’s take the example a little further.  With your motto of ‘Win the Morning, Win the Day’ you nail your smashed avo and scrambled eggs on toast for breakfast.  You’ve set off to work on the breakfast an elite athlete would be proud of.  You’re sat at a desk all day.   Exhausted from the daily grind and the commute home you now don’t feel like cooking from scratch.  Subsequently, you pop by the supermarket for a convenience meal.  Skip the dessert though because you had a slice of each of the birthday cakes in the office – you can work it off tomorrow morning.

Here’s the punchline.  Being ‘elite’ for such a small percentage of your day is almost fruitless if you fail to follow through on those habit fro the rest of your 16 waking hours.  The whole day represents an opportunity to work towards your goals and it needn’t be nauseating.  Adding regular movement into the working day and researching some quick cook, healthy recipes would make a significant impact in the examples above.


Training throughout the whole day

Assuming we are lucky enough to get 8 hours of sleep per night, there are 16 hours of opportunity to work towards goals.  Whether it’s improved posture, weight loss or increased fitness.  All goals can be supported throughout the day with small modifications in behaviour.  Indeed, the person who needs to lose weight via increased calorific expenditure will find it much more productive to move consistently at a low intensity throughout the day rather than an intense 45 minute class at the end of the day.

Use the day to make small, manageable changes that support your habits and goals.

Part of NK Fitness support is ‘Beyond the Session’.  We work extensively with both our personal training clients in Fulham and our high performance athletes to ensure that their lifestyles supports the hard work that they do with us.  As a result they create stronger and more sustainable habits and reach their goals much more quickly.  If you would like to discuss how an NK Fitness Personal Trainer in Fulham could help you during 2020 please feel free to contact us here.