The “core”, use your core, engage your core, brace your core. If you have taken part in pretty much any kind of class  or fitness regime, you may well have heard these phrases. Essentially, what all us trainers are banging on about is locking in the muscles of your trunk, to stabilise and maintain a neutral spine. Trunk control is particularly important when performing compound lifts, such as squats and deadlifts.

Next time you’re warming up, why not try out a empty bar squat. On the first few reps just crack on, then concentrate on pulling your trunk in tight (not breathing in), think stopping yourself go to the loo! There are plenty of benefits to great trunk control, one of which is anti-rotation. Imagine swinging round to one side or another when performing an overhead squat!


Work Unilateral Exercises

The 3 exercises I am going to talk you through in this post all have a unilateral focus. This simply means you will be loading one limb, or side of your body more than the other. In order to really reap the rewards it is essential you focus on keeping the body straight and aligned, despite the unbalanced loading.


Exercise 1: Farmer Walks

Increases in grip, anti-rotation and anti-flexion can all result from farmer walks. Check out this step by step to performing the exercise.

  • Stand feet shoulder width apart with a DB or KB by your side in one hand.
  • Raise your opposite hand to parallel, straight out in front of you.
  • Keep the body vertical and aligned.
  • Simply walk 20m, in constant control with minimal trunk movement.
  • Repeat on other side.


Exercise 2: Single Arm Overhead Carries

Overhead carries can improve strength, shoulder stability, trunk control, mobility and more.

  • Stand feet shoulder width apart with a DB or KB held over head in one hand.
  • Raise your opposite hand to parallel, straight out in front of you.
  • Keep the body vertical and aligned.
  • Simply walk 20m, in constant control with minimal trunk movement.
  • Repeat on other side.


Exercise 3: Arabesque

again, this movement focuses on trunk control, mobility, balance, strength and more.

  • Stand feet shoulder width apart, hands by side.
  • Hinge forward at the hip, keeping one foot planted, one raise up behind you
  • Simultaneously raise the hands above your head.
  • Keep folding forward until you create a ‘T’ shape with your body (1 leg planted, 1 out behind, hands outstretched).
  • Hold for 20 seconds and repeat on the other side.

View a quick video here.


Final Note

Try adding some of these exercises into your warm ups. They will help keep things varied, whilst activating the muscles of the core for greater trunk control in your working sets. Our Leading Personal Trainers in Twickenham  can help you integrate these into your workout, give us a call if you would like more information.