So you want to be strong. Sounds like a pretty decent goal , that is until you start to break down the questions itself. A lot of clients will tell me they want to get stronger. However, when I push a little further, everyone has slightly different ideas on what STRONG actually is. Does it mean you can back squat 2 times your own bodyweight? Is simply the ability to perform day to day activities without struggling? How strong is strong enough?


Strength Isn’t Just One Thing!

Breaking down the question leads to different definitions, so lets breakdown being strong. We are referring to the quality of strength, a quick Google search brings up this

“The capacity of an object or substance to withstand great force or pressure.”

Doesn’t really help that much! It’s pretty broad and a bit vague, as it should be.


Types Of Strength

  • Absolute Strength – This is what most people refer to or think of in regards to strength. The ability to move the biggest total load, whether it be a squat or deadlift or whatever.
  • Relative Strength – The ability to move the biggest load in relation to bodyweight. Which is more impressive; a 69kg female squatting 150kg or a 105kg male squatting 250kg?
  • Power/ Speed Strength – How much load can you move when speed is key? How quick is your rate of force development?
  • Strength Endurance – The ability to repeatedly move the highest total load.

Strength Is Relevant to The Goal

The goal itself cannot just to be strong, strength is relevant to a specific goal that will have multiple characteristics. Figure out what it is you are actually looking to achieve. From here you can break it down further and decide how to attack it in your training.

Think about a powerlifter, footballer and stay at home dad that plays skittles on a Saturday. They aren’t going to be working on the same types of strength. They are going to focus on what is most important for them to develop.


Still Want To Be The Strongest Dad In Starbucks?

Without setting out parameters and everyone agreeing to it, you can’t be. When Leading Personal Training in Richmond, I simply won’t accept “I want to get strong” as a goal. Try a bit harder and decide what strength means to you.